Line for the production


Pellet production lines have 3 capacities:
120,  300-400,  500-600 kg/h.

Metalorad doo Valjevo
manufactures complete lines for manure pellet production.

Machines and equipment required for the production of pellets:

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In 2017,Metalorad d.o.o., Valjevo, as a manufacturer of wood pellet production lines, received a request from potential customers to develop a line for producing pellets from poultry manure.

In 2017, a team from Metalorad d.o.o. embarks on the project and successfully completes it.

In 2018, they installed the first line for pelletizing poultry manure as organic fertilizer.

The produced pellets are sent to the Faculty of Agriculture in Belgrade, which provides a certificate confirming that the pellets meet the requirements for organic fertilizer.

Pellets made from manure as organic fertilizer can be used for fertilizing raspberry and blackberry plantations, orchards, pastures, and other crops.

Chicken manure as ORGANIC FERTILIZER

The way in which the pellet is produced is as follows:

Manure is fed into the separator, which extracts and removes a large percentage of the water from it.

The semi-dry manure is then sent to the mill, where it is ground to a specific granulation.

The semi-dry manure is then sent to a counterflow mixer, where it is combined with other organic elements if necessary.

The mixed manure is then sent to the dryer, where it is dried to 10–18% moisture content and sterilized at a specific temperature.

The dryer receives thermal energy from a boiler, which is usually fueled by solid fuel. Temperature control in the dryer is monitored through a digital control panel, which displays both the inlet and outlet temperatures.

Polluted air and gases from the dryer are cleaned before being released into the atmosphere by passing through a water filter.

The pellets are transferred from the dryer to a dry material bin, from which they are then fed into the pellet mill for pelletizing.

The cooling of the freshly produced pellets occurs in pellet coolers, from which they are conveyed through a vibrating screen into PVC bags, which are then sealed using designated sealers.

Commands and control are done from one place from one cabinet.

We can enable the line to have PLC-based controls, meaning you will perform and monitor all commands and controls via a computer screen.

Pellet production lines have 3 capacities:

120 kg/h
120 kg/h
300-400 kg/h
300-400 kg/h
500-600 kg/h
500-600 kg/h
The same elements go into all three lines, and the difference is that, for example, a squeezing device (separator) goes into the manure line, but it does not go into the wood.

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